On March 19 The Herald ran a story about a party that denied my request to renew my membership because of my involvement with
another organization. The helmsman cannot steer a ship without a countervailing force. The wind moves the ship in
one direction only. It is through the use of opposing forces that a ship steers clear of the shoals that will destroy it.
Our founding fathers knew this so they provided us with a government of checks and balances to keep our country safe.
Freedom of speech is essential if our system of government is to prevail. Both parties seek to suppress the dissenting
voices whithin their ranks in order to promote "unity." Without dissent both parties are blind. If both parties
are blind, then our nation is blind. All members of our community should be able to share in the political process of our
country, our state and our nation. It is through an individual's right to speak without fear that our government
can negotiate the perils that are before us. Sheila L Richardson Bellingham