The Darwinian fish exists. It's called a walking catfish and was imported into Florida in the early 1960s (National
Geographic, pages 847-851, June, 1969). There is no credible scientific evidence that God created the heavens and
Earth in six days. There is ample, well-substantiated evidence gathered by reputable scientists over many decades
that life evolved through the evolutionary process. With most species, the evolutionary process stops once the survival
of the species is assured. Man is the only species that has continued to evolve beyond mere survival. Mankind's
leap into cyberspace is evolutionary overkill and cannot be explained through the evolutionary process alone. It
is my belief that a higher being used natural processes to forge the heavens and Earth into their present condition and that
he used the evolutionary process as a tool to develop the diverse life forms we see today. He then fostered the continued
development of humans into the most inteligent species on Earth, who now stand on the threshold of space exploration.
Sheila L Richardson Bellingham WA