Dear Editor: Marriage is safe. A bipartisan law was enacted by both houses of the state legislature that
bans a small percentage of our state's citizens from getting married. The primary focus of heterosexual marriage
is the propagation of our species. Without laws to encourage and protect the family, this mandate by God and nature would
be more difficult. Our laws strengthen the family and help keep it together during vulnerable periods. It gives legal recourse
during break-ups. The primary focus of domestic partnership laws is to strengthen our relationships and committments.
Domestic partnership laws give each person legal recourse in the event of a break-up. Because the primary focus
of heterosexual relationships and my community's relationships are different, the law needs to address our different needs.
We do not need marriage, but we do need the legal structure necessary to promote enduring relationships. It is the
best interests of our society to pass laws that will ensure stabel relationships in both communities. Sheila L Richardson