Many letter writers and columnists over the last year or so have opposed attempts to extend civil rights to sexual minorities
in areas such as marriage and job protection. They say that homosexuality is not genetic (like race), but a preference,
and that extending civil rights protections to these groups would santion their behavior. Religion is a preference
and not genetic. The Constitution protects all religions and nonreligions from atheist to Zionist. It also specifically
forbids the government from sanctioning one religious belief over another. For example, our Constitution protected
the rights of the Heaven's Gate members to practice their beliefs. Who would say that this protection means that the government
sanctioned their beliefs and practices? Our Constitution guarantees the same treatment for all of our citizens.
Giving each citizen the same rights does not sanction the beliefs or lifestyles of these citizens. Our government
needs to give sexual minorities the same rights that are now enjoyed by the heterosexual majority in such basic areas as domestic
partnership laws and protection from job discrimination. Sheila L Richardson