We are the few, The proud, The Marines. And we need your help. We are conducting our annual "Toys
for Tots" drive. Toys collected during this drive are distributed throughout the county to needy children who would
not otherwise receive Christmas presents. If you would like to contribute unwrapped new or used toys, please use
the barrels that have been placed at various locations. The joy of the Christmas holidays should be celebrated by all of
the children of our community and not just by the affluent. There are other organizations in the county that are
pursuing the same goal. Those of us who are blessed should consider giving to Toys for Tots and other worthwhile charities
during the festive season. Locations: Academy Supplies, 1419 Cornwall, Amtrak Fairhaven Station, 401 Harris, Bellingham/Whatcom
County Chamber of Commerce, 1801 Roeder, Suite 140, Bellingham Athletic Clubs, 1616 Cornwall and 4191 Meridian, Bellis Fair
at Santa display, Fountain Super Drug, 2416 Meridian, and Grizzly Imports, 1821 Valencia. Sheila L Richardson