As published in the Bellingham Herald on January 19th, 2002 During the fall of 1999 and the spring of 2001, Georgia-Pacific
West Inc. shut down its chlorine plant and pulp mill operations. This resulted in the loss of about 250 jobs in our community.
G-P didn't dump its employees onto the street. The Association of Western Pulp and Paper Worker's union, Georgia-Pacific
West Inc. and the Employment Security Department cooperated in an effort to make the transition from employment to unemployment
and to re-employment as smooth as possible. The result was a generous severance package, unemployment benefits,
re-employment assistance and worker retraining benefits under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Many of the
workers took advantage of the educational benefits by signing up for courses at Whatcom Community College, Bellingham Technical
College and other training facilities. Many of these students are graduating from their training facilities. They
left G-P as chlorine cell renewers, back tenders and acid makers. They are returning to the work force as commercial truck
drivers, paralegals and medical assistants. These employees came to G-P as productive members of our community and
they are returning to the workforce as productive members of our community. The employees union, G-P and the Employment
Security Department implemented a win-win program that will pay dividends back to our community for years to come. Sheila
L. Richardson Bellingham