The United Way has banned discrimination (The Bellingham Herald, Dec. 15) as a ploicy in the agencies that it serves. In
a recent Supreme Court decision, the Boy Scouts was given the right to set the standards for its membership in any manner
it sees fit. If the Boy Scouts believes that the members of my community do not make good role models, then it
should follow its conscience. The Law Against Discrimination, passed by our Legislature, clearly states, that "such
discrimination threatens not only the rights and proper privileges of its inhabitants but menaces the institutions and foundation
of a free democratic state." The United Way solicits contributions from the diverse members of our community,
then returns it to the various agencies that serve the needs of our community. By allowing discrimination, my community would
contribute to an agency that bans us from participation. The Boy Scouts policy singles out my community as immoral
and excludes us from making a positive contribution to society. If you believe, as the Legislature does, that discrimination
harms not only the individual on which it is bestowed but also the very fabric upon which our free society is based, then
the United Way has made the right decision. Please continue to give to the United Way and the Boy Scouts, as each
seeks to improve the lives of all the citizens of Whatcom County. Sheila L Richardson Bellingham