Home | LIST OF LETTERS as published by the Bellingham Herald since August of 1995. | Nonviolent Protest won't work against Saddam | Bush right with stance on Iraq | Where does domination of those who disagree with U.S. end? | Election policy complaints raised against county auditor | Help buy school supplies for kids in need | Religion belongs in minds and hearts, not government | Pause to give thanks to those who protect us | Use nonviolent methods to change government | Urge senators to help Vietnamese find peace | Letter writer Sheila Richardson | Former G-P employees have found success in new fields | Appreciation for three sergeants who gave lives | Domestic partnerships help prevent spread of AIDS | Donate to help victims of Sept. 11 attacks | LETTER TO COLIN POWELL | B.C. should be working to protect own air shed | Another View: County displays tolerance | *Anti-bullying laws must cover sexual orientation* | Canada's complaints about SE2 hypocritical | *Gay man's appointment to AIDS office shows openness* | Skeletons in our Closet | Protecting communities' health must remain a priority | *Scouts can accommodate drag queens* | WE CAN WORK IT OUT | *Bush must protect civil rights, unite divided nation* | gamble on DIVERSITY | *United Way, Boy Scouts improve lives; give to both* | *UNITED WAY, Thank you * | Lighthouse Mission helps those who have fallen | THE DIVINE HAWKS (Vietnamese Marines) | *AIDS Memorial Quilt* | *Stable relationships advantageous for society* | SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (USS Cole) | THE MOVING WALL, Vietnam War Memorial | *UNITED WAY II (Boy Scouts)* | *UNITED WAY (Boy Scouts)* | Protect democracy and Lummi tribal traditions | Americans, Vietnamese gave up much in war | *Fairness Demands Boy Scouts Measure the Morals of all Members* | *Dr. Laura, Supporters Encourage Intolerance* | Science must not Trample Cultural Rights | Country must accept Senate's Verdict | *Urge leaders to protect all people* | Give a child a Christmas present | *Let People Choose their own Paths* | Gift of Microscope will help Community | *Gay Children need Support, not Criticism* | Lummis Face Difficult Task | *Explain Facts to Political Party* | Freedom of Speech Assists Government | THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT | Urges Financial Support for Mt. Baker Theater | *Society Needs Stable Relationships* | *God's Messengers Add Bias to Bible* | Senior Center provides vital community service | Help Support Toys for Tots | Mount Baker Theatre a Passageway to the Future | Mt Baker must get Lean, Mean | SUPORT URGED FOR WHATCOM LAND TRUST | *PROVIDE SAFE, SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL* | *SEXUAL MINORITIES DESERVE EQUAL RIGHTS* | *HALT CAMPAIGN AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGES* | LOST VOTES UNDERMINE SYSTEM'S INTEGRITY | OFFERS RULES FOR LATE-TERM ABORTIONS | DISCRIMINATION THRU QUOTAS IS WRONG | *CHOOSE WHICH VALUES YOU WILL ADHERE TO* | *DON'T DENY GOD'S WILL* | *AIDS IS NOT A HOMOSEXUAL DISEASE* | Abortion, Welfare Stands are Unjust | *DON'T TEACH TWO SETS OF STANDARDS* | *EXPAND DEFINITION OF FAMILY* | *LACK OF TAX DEDUCTION HURTS KIDS* | *MARITAL LAW ILL SUITED FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE* | DARWIN FISH IS THE WALKING CATFISH | *SOME LEGISLATORS TARGET THE WRONG ENEMY* | *LET HOMOSEXUALS DEVELOP SAME TRADITIONS* | *ALL MARRIAGES SHOULD BE HONORED* | *LESBIAN COMMUNITY MAKES CONTRIBUTIONS* | *OFFER MEDICAL BENEFITS INDISCRIMINATELY* | *DON'T SIGN PETITION FOR BIASED I-166* | *I-166, I-167 PROMOTE CULTURAL GENOCIDE* | BIOLOGICAL DECISIONS ARE A WOMAN'S DECISION | LIST | DONATIONS URGED FOR SCHOOLKIDS

Published in the Seattle Gay News on 17 April, 1998

To the Editor:

Thanks for the article on my donation being refused by the Republican Party (SGN 4/3/98). I have received comments from people who I never imagined read the SGN.

Knowing that my case is so widely known scares me, because I am dealing with some of the most violent people in the state of Washington - here, in Whatcom County.

Sheila Richardson

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