The letter writer (Bellingham Herald, Jan, 19) is correct: if the drag queen is a homosexual then he should be able to participate
in Boy Scout activities; however, he does not meet all of the other requirements. If he is not a homosexual he should be able
to participate under the disability section. Gender dysphoria (sexual identity confusion) is a Washington disability.
This particular drag queen does not qualify to participate as a troop leader, a requirement is that he provide a male
role model for his troop. A person with sexual confusion does not fulfill that requirement. Not all cross-dressers
are disqualified from participating. For example, Cpl. Klinger, on M*A*S*H, is a professional actor who dresses in drag and
has no sexual confusion. He leaves his crossdressing onstage. He provides a strong male role model onstage and off. He should
qualify as a Scout leader. Because the drag queen does not qualify to be a troop leader he should not be disqualified
from Scouting. The law does not require an exact fit. The Scouts could accommodate his disability by offering him a volunteer
position, such as clerical, that does not involve direct contact with the developing adults. The Scouting program
is one of the best means of instilling strong moral values in our children. Accommodating a diverse community does not necessarily
weaken the means of instilling those values. Sheila L. Richardson Bellingham