A story in the Jan. 11 Herald, Page B1) stated that several groups were going to introduce legislation that would ban
same-sex marriages. Marriage is a religious ceremony. The government has no constitutional right to validate
one marriage over another. The government has compelling reasons to legally recognize a sexual relationship between
consenting adults. Legal: The government does not recognize unmarried couples as having any legal standing. To
attain any legal standing the couple must enter into legal contracts that the courts may not recognize. Hygiene:
When a couple enters into a monogamous sexual relationship, the proability of contracting a sexually transmitted disease
is greatly reduced. The government has a financial interest in reducing the proliferation of such diseases. Humanitarian:
When a domestic partner is disabled, the courts' responsibility is to act in the best interests of the disabled. If the
courts deny a person's partner the right to be his or her primary caregiver, then the courts and our society have failed in
their responsibility. The government has no constitutional right to deny legal recognition to two consenting
adults who have been married in a religious ceremony. No religious or political group has a compelling interest in
putting such a union asunder. Sheila L Richardson Bellingham WA