Gary Small is right (letter, Feb. 10 Herald, Page B4). Family is the foundation of civilization and marriage provides
stability for this foundation. Without stability, families break up and children suffer. Over several millenniums,
the heterosexual community has developed traditions, laws and customs to ensure a stable family life so that children
can be raised in a safe, nuturing environment. Should our society extend to children born to a lesbian couple the
benefits from the bonds of holy matrimony, or does Small advocate illegitimacy for these children? The heterosexual
community has developed these traditions since biblical days. The homosexual community has had only 20 years to develop
the same institutions necessary to promote stable relationships and prevent the spread of disease. For these reasons,
the homosexual community seeks to pattern itself after the heterosexual community. We do not seek to destroy your traditions,
but to emulate them. Without these same traditions, our community cannot develop the stable relationships necessary
to promote family values and to prevent the spread of disease. It is not God's work to aid in the spread of pestilence
and disease among a people. Sheila L Richardson Bellingham WA