In 1798 Thomas Malthus wrote "An Essay On the Principal of Population". After considerable research
on the Poor Laws he stated that they did more harm than good. The poor would marry younger and have more children
than if they had to feed their own families. This meant that there were many more mouths to feed with no increase in the
means to support them. The women at that time did not have access to the Woman's Reproductive Triangle (family
planning, contraception and choice) when deciding how many children to have. After women won the right to reproductive freedom
birthrates and child mortality dropped. Many of our political and religious leaders are advocating that women
should be denied their right to a safe and legal abortion while eliminating her access to welfare. It is immoral
and unjust for a society to require a woman to bear a child against her will while refusing to accept responsibility for the
care and feeding of those children. If we deny a woman her right to reproductive freedom then we owe her family
human dignity, self-respect and an adequate income to ensure that the extra children she will produce are properly cared for.
Sheila L Richardson Bellingham Wa