Home | LIST OF LETTERS as published by the Bellingham Herald since August of 1995. | Nonviolent Protest won't work against Saddam | Bush right with stance on Iraq | Where does domination of those who disagree with U.S. end? | Election policy complaints raised against county auditor | Help buy school supplies for kids in need | Religion belongs in minds and hearts, not government | Pause to give thanks to those who protect us | Use nonviolent methods to change government | Urge senators to help Vietnamese find peace | Letter writer Sheila Richardson | Former G-P employees have found success in new fields | Appreciation for three sergeants who gave lives | Domestic partnerships help prevent spread of AIDS | Donate to help victims of Sept. 11 attacks | LETTER TO COLIN POWELL | B.C. should be working to protect own air shed | Another View: County displays tolerance | *Anti-bullying laws must cover sexual orientation* | Canada's complaints about SE2 hypocritical | *Gay man's appointment to AIDS office shows openness* | Skeletons in our Closet | Protecting communities' health must remain a priority | *Scouts can accommodate drag queens* | WE CAN WORK IT OUT | *Bush must protect civil rights, unite divided nation* | gamble on DIVERSITY | *United Way, Boy Scouts improve lives; give to both* | *UNITED WAY, Thank you * | Lighthouse Mission helps those who have fallen | THE DIVINE HAWKS (Vietnamese Marines) | *AIDS Memorial Quilt* | *Stable relationships advantageous for society* | SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (USS Cole) | THE MOVING WALL, Vietnam War Memorial | *UNITED WAY II (Boy Scouts)* | *UNITED WAY (Boy Scouts)* | Protect democracy and Lummi tribal traditions | Americans, Vietnamese gave up much in war | *Fairness Demands Boy Scouts Measure the Morals of all Members* | *Dr. Laura, Supporters Encourage Intolerance* | Science must not Trample Cultural Rights | Country must accept Senate's Verdict | *Urge leaders to protect all people* | Give a child a Christmas present | *Let People Choose their own Paths* | Gift of Microscope will help Community | *Gay Children need Support, not Criticism* | Lummis Face Difficult Task | *Explain Facts to Political Party* | Freedom of Speech Assists Government | THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT | Urges Financial Support for Mt. Baker Theater | *Society Needs Stable Relationships* | *God's Messengers Add Bias to Bible* | Senior Center provides vital community service | Help Support Toys for Tots | Mount Baker Theatre a Passageway to the Future | Mt Baker must get Lean, Mean | SUPORT URGED FOR WHATCOM LAND TRUST | *PROVIDE SAFE, SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL* | *SEXUAL MINORITIES DESERVE EQUAL RIGHTS* | *HALT CAMPAIGN AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGES* | LOST VOTES UNDERMINE SYSTEM'S INTEGRITY | OFFERS RULES FOR LATE-TERM ABORTIONS | DISCRIMINATION THRU QUOTAS IS WRONG | *CHOOSE WHICH VALUES YOU WILL ADHERE TO* | *DON'T DENY GOD'S WILL* | *AIDS IS NOT A HOMOSEXUAL DISEASE* | Abortion, Welfare Stands are Unjust | *DON'T TEACH TWO SETS OF STANDARDS* | *EXPAND DEFINITION OF FAMILY* | *LACK OF TAX DEDUCTION HURTS KIDS* | *MARITAL LAW ILL SUITED FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE* | DARWIN FISH IS THE WALKING CATFISH | *SOME LEGISLATORS TARGET THE WRONG ENEMY* | *LET HOMOSEXUALS DEVELOP SAME TRADITIONS* | *ALL MARRIAGES SHOULD BE HONORED* | *LESBIAN COMMUNITY MAKES CONTRIBUTIONS* | *OFFER MEDICAL BENEFITS INDISCRIMINATELY* | *DON'T SIGN PETITION FOR BIASED I-166* | *I-166, I-167 PROMOTE CULTURAL GENOCIDE* | BIOLOGICAL DECISIONS ARE A WOMAN'S DECISION | LIST | DONATIONS URGED FOR SCHOOLKIDS
*UNITED WAY, Thank you *

Delivered 29 OCTOBER, 2000

Community Committee for
Funding Policy Review
C/O United Way of Whatcom County
220 Unity St., Suite 101
Bellingham WA 98225

RE: Boy Scout Funding.

Dear Mr. Snapp:

I talked to Mark today and he told me about the United Way's decision to make a requirement that any agency's who receive money from the United Way do so without discrimination toward any of the protected groups.

I wish to express my appreciation to you and the committee for voting this requirement into effect.

I know of the effects of discrimination first hand. I joined Georgia Pacific in 1969 and worked there as a painter for thirty-one years. I came out as a female in January of 1992. Within a five-year period I was given two written letters of reprimand and two verbal reprimands. The two written reprimands were defeated by the Human Rights Commission and by my union (Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers). One of the verbal's was defeated by my union alone.

This level of punishment exceeded the level of punishment given to 115 of my co-workers, collectively. There were six co-workers on the paint crew. They were absolutely perfect. None of them received any reprimands during this period.

My company was determined to discharge me and they succeeded last June when they forced me to retire. I spent the last 35 months on involuntary disability. This was the result of the combined effort by my hourly co-workers, management and supervisors. I have a cold heart when I hear about the plight of my co-workers who have joined me in the unemployment line.

I am currently attending Whatcom Community College as a Paralegal. I hope to work in an attorney's office helping to end discrimination.

You and your committee have helped in this endeavor.

Sheila L Richardson

Non-Discrimination Policy

The New Non-Discrimination Policy as Adopted at the December 14 Board Meeting
Non-discriminatory. United Way of Whatcom County requires agencies desiring partner agency status to agree they will not discriminate in programs, services, staffing and/or volunteer areas on the basis of race, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, national origin or religion. This policy will allow partner agencies to target specific populations for services. However, these services must be open to all people in the targeted populations.

Talking Points

United Way of Whatcom County requires agencies desiring partner agency status to agree they will not discriminate in programs, services, staffing and/or volunteer areas on the basis of race, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, national origin or religion.

This policy will allow partner agencies to target specific populations for services. However, these services must be open to all people in the targeted populations.

This policy does not change the ability of United Way donors to designate to the agency or agencies of their choice, whether a partner or non-partner agency.

United Way of Whatcom County provides a unique way for people and resources to come together to help people in need. We are building a strong Community Safety Net for all of Whatcom County.

Because United Way's mission is to be the leader in raising and distributing resources to meet the community's human services needs, funding decisions are based on addressing local community identified needs through programs that demonstrate proven results.

United Way of Whatcom County believes that all people deserve to have access to the resources that will help them grow to their greatest potential. United Way is committed to assuring that every partner agency funded by United Way must be open and available to all people within the group the agency serves.

United Way of Whatcom County provides a service to donors, an efficient method for donors to support their favorite charity(ies) or invest in United Way?ain product, the Community Safety Net Fund.

United Way donors can choose who they wish to support by direct designation to any non-profit agency, by a gift to the Community Safety Net Fund (CSNF) or by excluding an agency, or agencies, from their CSNF donation. Direct designations are passed on to Partner Agencies above and beyond allocations from the Community Safety Net fund.

This policy will become effective as of the 2001 Campaign, and will be reflected in fund distributions from the Community Safety Net Fund beginning in January 2002.

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