With bloodshed and murder in the streets of Lynden, Blaine, Ferndale, Bellingham and our community college campus. What are
our representatives in Olympia doing to stop this carnage? They aren't doing anything, because they are too busy
attacking and trying to destroy a taxpaying, law-abiding and nonviolent community. To the best of my knowledge, not
a single murder was committed by the homosexual community, but (the house) found the time to circumvent the normal legislative
process in order to pass a (bill) that (duplicated an existing law). We already have a law against same-sex marriages! What
do we need another one for? (The bill died in the Senate.) These same legislators then demanded that pictures
depicting some of their constituents in family and work-oriented settings be removed. My community is forced by law to pay
the salaries of these legislators. Drug addiction, domestic abuse and teen violence are among the many problems that
beset our communities (both heterosexual and homosexual). Isn't it time that our legislators, religious leaders and
community leaders set aside their differences and begin to find solutions to the problems that are destroying our communities?
My community is not your enemy, we want to be your ally. Sheila L Richardson Bellingham WA