As published in the Bellingham Herald on 27 October, 2001 A letter writer (The Bellingham Herald, July 1) opened
the door on an interesting subject. That of homosexuals who hate homosexuals. These are usually homosexuals still living in
the closet. They fear discovery. In order to cloak their homosexuality, they express extreme hatred of openly gay
people. The writer is correct when he says that these people are, statistically, homosexuals (or have homosexual desires).
They usually have strong religious values and are often married with children. Their hidden desires conflict with
their religious values. Discovery would threaten their position in society and destroy their families. They contribute to
organizations that attempt to deprive openly gay people of their civil rights through the political process. Some write letters
to the editor expressing their feelings on homosexuality. Closeted homosexuals are more likely to get AIDS and give
it to their families than those who live an openly gay lifestyle. A homosexual who lives in the closet cannot bond with another
homosexual and live in a monogamous lifestyle as their religious values dictate. Our society gives heterosexuals
the right to marry. This is a powerful tool that promotes monogamous relationships among nuclear families, allowing them to
live free from AIDS. Openly gay people need the right to bond through domestic partnership laws that will enable them to live
monogamous lifestyles. Please contact your legislative representatives and ask them to support domestic partnership
laws that promote morally correct behavior and help stop the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Sheila L. Richardson Bellingham