The industrial base of our county is being destroyed. The economic, social and psychological impact will last for many years.
For example, there will probably be an increase in alcoholism, crime and family break-ups. The cause of the shutdowns
and the consequences are the result of questionable environmental gains. For example, environmentalists are opposed to SE2
because, among other reasons, it will pollute our Canadian neighbors. How do our Canadian neighbors treat us? Their
capital city, Victoria, dumps its raw sewage into an international waterway, while our sewage is treated. British
Columbia has no intention of allowing its industrial base to be curtailed due to energy shortages. BC Hydro obtains 90% of
its electricity from hydroelectric projects, however, they expect 90 percent of their future power to come from natural gas
facilities. North of Vancouver is a 900-megawatt natural gas plant, SE2 is only 660 MW. BC Hydro has submitted plans
to build a natural gas pipeline under Georgia Strait to fuel current and future generating plants on Vancouver Island. The
pollution from the existing plant and future plants will be driven across the strait to Vancouver, B.C. Canadians do not
seem to be concerned about their pollution, only ours. Sumas may not be the best location, if not, then where? Cherry
Point? Same problem. Will we continue to deny our community the economic and social benefits that come from development
of clean burning natural gas while our Canadian neighbors pursue economic development without the same restraint? Sincerely
Sheila L Richardson