As published in the Bellingham Hearld on December 15th, 2001 Appreciation for three sergeants who gave lives
We are sending our sons and now our daughters to fight in foreign lands. The cost of fighting on foreign soil is low compared
to fighting on our own soil. Two days of infamy now come to mind when we remember the bravery and courage of our military
and our non-military. On Dec. 7, 1941, our military fought back against the Japanese sneak attack. On Sept. 11 it
was our firefighters and police officers who fought a courageous battle to save the civilian lives in New York and Washington,
D.C. In Pennsylvania it was the courage of civilian airline passengers fighting against the terrorists. Peace comes
out of a ballot box, not out of a gun barrel. We must never forsake freedom and stay our hand in the effort to spread democracy
throughout the world. The three Special Forces soldiers stand in legion with the patriots of our nation who have
fought and died for our country and the freedom that it stands for. Expressing my appreciation for the sacrifice
given by Master Sgt. Jefferson Donald Davis, Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Henry Petithory and Staff Sgt. Brian Cody Prosser is not
much to send to the grieving families, but is all that I have. Sheila L. Richardson